samedi 22 avril 2006

Petite Citation...

"World Hypocrisy is thinking that you must not draw a penis in an "all-public" (how do you say in USA? G-rated, isn't it?) comics strip because children could see it, considering that half of the world already got one, and other half see the same picture in biology.
World Hypocrisy is censoring with "biiips" the word "fuck" on TV, when showing people torturing themselves for audimat.
World Hypocrisy is when a member of the governement says "we think the price is worth it", talking about thousands of dead children. "

-Salagir. 2004-08-27

6 commentaires:

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Héhéhéhé C'est bien vrai ce qu'il dit là ce bonhomme :)

T'a trouvé ca où cokinou ?

Arbre-Fleuri a dit…

Un weeb comic pas mal.

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sacré antoine va!ya ke toi pr foutr la photo de class sur ton blog!!!!
sacré toi!bise!